Satisfy your Safeguard rule requirements with one vendor

ARMP will be your third-party partner that will provide the dealer with a comprehensive Risk assessment and set of tools allowing the dealer to mitigate any and all risks associated with the management of the Dealership allowing for sound risk reward business decisions.


Automotive Risk Management Partners (ARMP) currently maintains 100 online courses available 24/7 to train employees in all aspects of compliance related topics ranging from DOT and forklift safety training modules to Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) and The Safeguards Rule not to mention Sexual harassment and Discrimination in the workplace.

Risk Assessment

Conduct onsite initial assessment of potential risks within the dealership, review sales process, and audit of deal jackets. Conduct regular penetration tests to identify all points of access as well as potential breaches.

Penetration Test/Vulnerability Scans

Conduct a thorough Penetration test and Vulnerability Scan that identifies all points of entry and each port in the system while providing 24/7 monitoring for intrusions.

Third Party Service Provider Portal

Provide the dealer with an online management tool for managing third-party providers of the dealership electronically and automated with fill in forms.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Provide a portal to the dealership to pull an unlimited number of SDSs for all chemicals as well as create a chemical inventory of the dealership.


Create and provide the dealer with all the required manuals to include, but not limited to, the Information Security Program (ISP), Red Flags Manual, OSHA manual and the Spill Prevention (SPCC) if necessary.


We are able to create, manage or consult on any and all reinsurance programs through a trusted partner, upon request.